This cherub stands watch in my flower garden. You'll notice she has a broken wing, but I couldn't get rid of her. That just makes her extra special. She's a reminder, that we all are broken, but we persevere and learn from our mistakes, our shortcomings and are better people for them. All day, she sees the birds cooling in the bath and hears their sweet songs.
She watches the flowers grow... and wane...
and the willow branches blow.
Follow the breeze over to Outdoor Wednesdaytoday for many more wonderful posts.
Hello Marsha, It's so nice to meet you! I really appreciate the sweet B-day wishes and kind visit to my blog. Thank you for following along as well. I'll do the same. Your blog is truly beautiful and I will be back to visit with you often.
Your angel is perfect with her broken wing and very elegant. I adore the colorful birds that visit you. ~Lovely.
I could never get rid of her either! How lovely she is, watching down over everything. All your photos are gorgeous....I particularly love the little bird taking his bath! Beautiful post. :)
What a sweet post! You got some great shots of those birds, they are not easy to capture with the camera, I have found. Love what you said about not getting rid of the angel, we are all broken in some way. So true, thanks for the reminder. Hugs, ~cindy s~
Hi Marsha, What beautiful pictures you have!Thanks for stopping by my blog. I just breezed through your great pictures and wanted to drop a comment and go back and enjoy and get to know you a bit~ Hugs, Donna
What incredibly beautiful photography. You really have captured some lovely shots of nature. The picture with the sweet bird in the birdbath is just perfect! Thanks for sharing! Amy
What sweet bird shots... Yes we all have little chips in our wings don't we? Character builders of life. A Sweet post...Thanks for visiting "Le Bath" this evening, enjoy your sweet weekend my friend, xoxo~Kathy~ @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Hi, Marhsa....Me again. I have given you an award so if you'd like you can drop by my blog and pick it up. Recipients are supposed to, in turn, give it to 15 others. That seemed like a really large number to me and it is rather time consuming, so I am telling everyone they can give it to as many or as few as they want. I'll just leave that up to you. That way it keeps it from becoming a burden and it keeps in the spirit it was given in. I really think you have such a lovely blog and that you certainly deserved it.:)
I love this post...especially the connection with the broken wing. What a great reminder for today. Thanks.
Wow what a lovely post. I just love that yellow bird. That picture is gorgeous. Glad you joined all the outdoor fun!
your pictures are gorgeous!!!!
This was a lovely, thoughtful post. Your photos and your words are beautiful.
Great post. Pictures are gorgeous. Hugs, Marty
What voice there is in your post today. Your pictures are so lovely. Have a wonerful day.
Gorgeous...I mean gorgeous photos!!! I love this post!!!
Beautiful analogy. She is lovely and unique and yes, this angel of nature is very special.
Happy Twirls
Hello Marsha,
It's so nice to meet you! I really appreciate the sweet B-day wishes and kind visit to my blog. Thank you for following along as well. I'll do the same. Your blog is truly beautiful and I will be back to visit with you often.
Your angel is perfect with her broken wing and very elegant.
I adore the colorful birds that visit you. ~Lovely.
Have a blessed day my friend.
~Warmly, Melissa :)
So glad you stopped by, which led me over to your beautiful site, stunning garden and photographs!
That was beautiful and a good reminder.
Barbara jean
Hi Marsha. All these are
fantastic and very lovely.
have a nice day.
The chickadee is STUNNING! What a sweet thing to capture the out of doors. Thank you for sharing with us.
I could never get rid of her either! How lovely she is, watching down over everything. All your photos are gorgeous....I particularly love the little bird taking his bath! Beautiful post. :)
What a sweet post! You got some great shots of those birds, they are not easy to capture with the camera, I have found. Love what you said about not getting rid of the angel, we are all broken in some way. So true, thanks for the reminder. Hugs, ~cindy s~
Hi Marsha,
What beautiful pictures you have!Thanks for stopping by my blog. I just breezed through your great pictures and wanted to drop a comment and go back and enjoy and get to know you a bit~
Beautiful pictures, especially the goldfinch in the blackeyed Susans.
What incredibly beautiful photography. You really have captured some lovely shots of nature. The picture with the sweet bird in the birdbath is just perfect! Thanks for sharing! Amy
What sweet bird shots... Yes we all have little chips in our wings don't we? Character builders of life. A Sweet post...Thanks for visiting "Le Bath" this evening, enjoy your sweet weekend my friend, xoxo~Kathy~ @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Hi, Marhsa....Me again. I have given you an award so if you'd like you can drop by my blog and pick it up. Recipients are supposed to, in turn, give it to 15 others. That seemed like a really large number to me and it is rather time consuming, so I am telling everyone they can give it to as many or as few as they want. I'll just leave that up to you. That way it keeps it from becoming a burden and it keeps in the spirit it was given in. I really think you have such a lovely blog and that you certainly deserved it.:)
Wonder reminder to all of us. You photos are great, too.
Great post and beautiful photos!!!
Incredible photos... what a wonderful post.
i'm an angel collector myself, so broken wing or not, i love her. what beauty she sees! thanks you for a walk in the garden this morning!
happy saturday SITS sharefest :)
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