The unusual southern snow sparked my passion to shoot photo after photo of the new white blanket covering a formerly russet landscape. And taking photos is a new hobby that I really enjoy. I've learned so much from many of you who share with me the passion of photography. So joining in on Mary's Mosaic Monday and seeing what all of you have to contribute is such a pleasure for me!
Looking through my photo collection, I noticed I'd taken these same Adirondack chairs in past seasons; spring, fall and now winter. So I thought it'd be fun to group them in a mosaic to compare.
Now, since I'm a southern gal, I don't own a pair of snow boots but that didn't stop me from braving the icy snow and the bitter cold. I just tied some plastic bags over my shoes and secured them with a rubber band. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! LOL!

I'd say at least three inches.
I know. Some of you northerners are silently laughing. :)

"So what are you waiting for? Fill up the bird feeder!"

pretty boy wasn't too sure about this makeshift sled (really a trash can lid),
but it didn't take long riding with mom...
You did an incredible job with your pictures. Everything was gorgeous.
Love your chairs in each season, your cardinals, watering cans ... and your boots of course! Amazing how we can adapt to snow conditions here in the south!
You "captured" the snow. Great photos!
What a nice post! Really like the Seasons Mosaic. Thanks for sharing with us. We had so much ice on top of the snow here, the children were not able to enjoy it so much.
Your pictures are just beautiful!
Robin :o)
Very creative! I enjoyed this post ever so much!
I LOVE you pictures. I do have to giggle at your makeshift boots, such ingenuity! Did I mention how much I LOVE your pictures. There's something magical about 'first' snows. Heck any snow. Even here in the Northeast where we get it regularly I just want to run out and take pictures each time like it's a first. Beautiful!
Funny Boots! Great Pictures. Cutey little one sledding! Thanks!
How wonderful to see how much you and your family enjoyed the snow! We're all a bit jaded with it here in NJ. lol Thanks for sharing your wonderful images at MM. :)
Very nice looking at your chairs throughout the seasons.
I had to laugh when I saw the bags on your feet (northerner in Ontario) - but good improvising.
We're having another snowfall right now and I have, let's see....4 prs. of boots. :-)
I love your first mosaic and the images that you caught of the Cardinal are GREAT. Your "boots" CRACK ME UP! Well done!
Oh how I love your photography! Just lovely. The mosaics of those chair in different seasons is great. Love the quote, also. Your snow boots are genius...
I love the three-season chairs! ::Jill
Love the chairs in all seasons too...I live in the South as well but I believe I'm a bit further North than you, as we got about 8 inches this time...I took pics of cardinals this weekend too...what type camera do you have? your pics are so sharp/clear!
Hi Marsha!
Your pictures are absolutely beautiful! LOVE your mosaic!!
Wow - what a lovely post! mine is at:
composition-life #10
You certainly have a eye for a great photo!
Love the mosaic!
Wonderful photos, Marsha. I love the show witht he chairs and the little one on the sled. The cardinals is so pretty. I hope you are enjoying your snow.
We have a beautiful snow this time. Love the cardinal picture. I have a couple who come to my yard, along with several blue jays.
Beckie in Brentwood, TN
I love your cardinal pics!! Isn't he a gorgeous bird?
The plastic bags over the shoes would probably just mean no traction and if I tried it I would slip and fall on my head. :-) LOL!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE - and love the thought! That helped cheer me up. We've have fog for too many days - needing some sunshine - BUT, I'll ENJOY!!!! Lovely mosaic.
Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment! I'll be back for a visit!
Really nice mosaic! Love the quote. All your photos were really enjoyable!
Hi Marsha! I love your photography! The shot of your "snow boots" was so fun. I remember my mom tying Wonder Bread bags to our feet!
Nice visiting with you!
Kindly, ldh
Oh Marsha! I LOVE the cardinal!! Since moving, I really miss feeding the birds back at the old house. I wish I could have left them a forwarding address, but..... Now I hardly have any yard at all, but I'm thinking of hanging some bird treats off a neighbor's tree branches that are hanging over onto our side of the property! If they don't like it, then I would think they might want to TRIM those branches, right?! (0; Happy Blue Monday!..even though I loved the red cardinals, I think the cutest picture in this post is of the little one sledding with you, dressed in blue! Not even the sweet little birdies can hold a candle to that! Looks like fun! ~tina
Wow! What gorgeous photos. The one with the cardinal looks like it could be a postcard. Looks like you and the little one had a blast!
nice post. thanks.
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