My birthday falls in January too so that gives me a double whammy of the yearn to "start over" - "be a new person" wannabes. That's not a bad thing though. It's good that I have a time that pushes me to reach my goals, live healthier, strengthen my relationships, and just be a better me!
So I've put together my own version of a few very simple and doable goals I want to work toward in 2010 to make a better me. How about you? I'd love for you to let me know what your resolutions are. I may want to make them mine too. :)
P.S. Yes, I know we are half-way through the month. If you read my blog, you know I've had a little going on at my house lately. (Which is why I'm keeping them SIMPLE!) 1. Put some SPICE in my life!
I'm going to treat myself to something special, once a month or week if time permits. What the heck, maybe even once a day!! Nothing big or expensive, mind you. Enjoying a manicure or pedicure even if I have to do it myself, reading a good book, or maybe just a cup of fancy tea. 2. Drink plenty of clear clean WATER!
In fact, with babies living with me, buying a whole house filter system is on my list. 3. Try something DIFFERENT.
Live outside my comfort zone. Go somewhere I've never been. Do something I've never done. 4. Eat foods that GROW ON TREES...
I like you list, maybe I'll just do what you do:)
I'm planning on trying to be more "me and not what others think I am.
Happy New Year!
Great post! Great photos! BUT!!! $9.95 lb. for Rainier Cherries!!!!!! NO WAY!! What store was that??
Glenda, the photos of Rainer cherries were taken at Pike's Market in Seattle. Don't know about the price of fruit there but the fresh flowers were a real bargain!
Great doable ideas Marsha, and the photos are fabulous, as always.
I think you've got the last one covered! I've never seen you not smiling or laughing.
A few of my own-- more prayer, less TV, and the loss of a few lbs. ;-)
Good Morning! I enjoyed reading your list of goals; and am thinking maybe I should map one out for myself, rather than try to remember the vague list in my head, that will soon be lost in the rush of everyday life!... Well, I've already bought myself one beautiful piece of jewelry! So o.k.. That was fun! Time to get back on BUDGET now! I should REALLY move onto one of my next goals for the year!! (0; ~tina
A great list and all things we should strive to include in our busy, hectic lives.
I love Pike's Market!
I, too, have a January birthday and always feel the need to push out the old (stuff, habits, etc.) and in with a better me. Thanks for such a nice reminder that it's the little changes we make that make a difference in our lives.
Great list Marsha! I especially love the Smile thing. It's amazing what a simple grin will do.
Marsha, today's post was just delightful. I find myself envying that infant. Your photos are beautiful.
I like this post, especially with all the pictures. Sounds like you've got some good things to do for this new year.
Mary Lou
Hi Marsha, I love this idea ~ and your choices. I hope you don't mind if I come back to this post remind myself to follow your example. :)
Such gorgeous photos! They are all beautiful ~ I especially love that darling baby, and the last one of the florist...can't help but smile when looking at those two pics.
Thanks for the inspiration. xo
Hey, I used to eat quail eggs like popcorn! They're great :)
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