She took the time to make the sign, she took the time to come, she took the time to stand in respect while American soldiers marched past.
It warms my heart to know that people care which brings me to thanking you. You made the kindest, most heartfelt comments on my last post. My family and I deeply appreciate each one!
Thank you for your prayers, your gratitude, and for caring.
Americans are extrodinary people and patriotic to the core. God Bless your SIL and our troops.
I say a prayer every night for our men and women in harms way. I am also very LOUD and the first to remind some people that they are out there protecting us and our precious freedom. My heart breaks when I see them go for I know what they are giving up. I will keep your son in law in my prayers too. Sharon
What a striking image. It says it all.
Wow, that sign says it all. May God bless your sil and your whole family while you're separated.
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